The most common Drupal Migration mistakes to avoid and How to prevent them


In this article, we will look at the most common Drupal migration mistakes, why they happen and how you can avoid them. We’ll also discuss some useful tips that can help your project go smoothly.

1. You don’t know your Drupal migration project’s requirements.

The first Drupal migration mistake is not knowing your project’s requirements.

To get a Drupal migration project off on the right foot, you need to know what the client wants and how you can help them achieve that goal. This means understanding their business goals, current website structure and content management system (CMS), any additional third-party services they use, etc.. The more information you have about these things before starting any migration project, the better off your end result will be!

For example: If a client has an ecommerce store with hundreds of products in their database and they only want 10% of those products migrated over–you should let them know immediately so they don’t think they’re getting everything migrated over when in reality only 10% will make it over successfully because according to our requirements we only support migrating up to 100 items at once per table/database connection due performance reasons.”

2. You don’t have a plan for how you’re going to handle unstructured data.

Unstructured data is any data that’s not structured. This can include images, audio files and videos. It can also be found in documents, emails and other files.

Unstructured content is often overlooked when you’re migrating Drupal sites because it isn’t obvious how to migrate it from one platform to another. In fact, many people don’t even know what “unstructured” means until they start working with it!

3. You are making assumptions about what’s in Drupal, but you don’t know for sure.

  • You are making assumptions about what’s in Drupal, but you don’t know for sure.

When migrating content from one system to another, there are many things that can go wrong. One of the most common mistakes is assuming that all of your data has been migrated when it actually hasn’t been. This can happen if you’re not careful about making sure that everything was included during the migration process and then checking those items later on after the fact.

For example: let’s say you have a list of customers in Drupal and want to migrate them over to another CRM system so that all their information is stored there instead (instead of being split between different systems). You may think “I’m going to take this list out of my database and put it into theirs,” but this isn’t always true! What happens if someone adds more information about one customer after their initial entry? Or deletes some fields altogether? These changes won’t get copied over unless someone takes care not only with transferring data but also keeping track after the fact as well – otherwise those changes will be lost forever when we move forward without looking back!

4. You are not using the right tools for the job.

  • Don’t use a hammer to drive nails.
  • Don’t use a chainsaw to cut tree branches.
  • And don’t use a screwdriver to hammer in nails, or cut wood with your screwdriver!

5. You don’t have a plan to deal with duplicate content issues (i.e., indexing).

  • Use 301 redirects to preserve the link equity of your old site.
  • Monitor indexing in Google Search Console and Google Analytics.
  • Monitor indexing on both sites (your old site and new one) using Google Search Console.

Make sure you follow the best practices when performing any migration project so that it goes smoothly and without mistakes!

You need to make sure that you follow the best practices when performing any migration project so that it goes smoothly and without mistakes!

  • Make sure you have a plan. You should always have a plan before starting your Drupal migration project, as this will help you avoid making assumptions about what can be done with the data or how long it will take. It also helps prevent errors from happening such as duplicating content or losing information during extraction/importation processes.
  • Use the right tools for the job at hand! If there are certain tasks in which certain tools come out on top, then use those specific ones instead of going with something else just because it has more features (even if those features aren’t needed). For example: if someone wants help migrating their existing site over onto another platform but isn’t sure if they want them both hosted together or separately via subdomains; don’t use some generic tool like FileZilla just because its free–instead go with something like Dreamweaver MX 2004 Professional Edition ($500) which offers powerful FTP capabilities while allowing users full control over their files at all times–this way everything gets done correctly and efficiently!


Now that you know the most common Drupal migration mistakes to avoid and how to prevent them, you can feel confident that your next project will go smoothly.

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